Theresa Patton - TT Patton Consulting's blog

B2B Messaging Should be Relevant and Timely

This week I received a letter in the mail from my healthcare provider, BCBS of Illinois.  It was stamped DO NOT FORWARD, DO NOT RETURN.  I often wonder what mail carriers do when they see this information.  Even if they know the package is addressed to the wrong person or has the wrong address, do they leave it anyway?  I guess in this instance, BCBS of Illinois has no interest in knowing they have incorrect information for their enrollees.

Pharmacy co-pay? Sorry, no App for that!

The other day I loaded the Solitaire App on my iPhone.  It was recommended from a friend who is pretty much addicted to this App.  I’m not a ‘gamer’ so I was very reluctant to dowloand anything that remotely compared to a game. I have important Apps on my iPhone, like Facebook, Twitter, Cardstar, OpenTable and others.  But I didn’t want to be a party pooper as we were sharing mobile Apps that we both enjoyed.  So I went ahead and downloaded Solitaire, the free version of course.


Repairing Damaged Brands; Lessons in Crisis Management

I can’t stop thinking about the OTC baby medicine recall.

Social Media –– No Free Lunch!

Last week I attended a ‘by invitation-only’ meeting with my local congresswoman, US Rep. Melissa Bean.  I say ‘by invitation-only’ because that’s what the Daily Herald called it. I’m not one to talk politics –– although I’m intrigued by the content of what they argue –– but I suspect the headline was meant to create political debate.  Why?


Help Wanted: Healthcare Editor. Who’s writing your marketing material?

Some people in my house turned 50 years old last year.  Their first birthday present was an introduction/application to join AARP.  For just $16 per year, you become eligible to receive all sorts of discounts, exclusive memberships and the like.  But the biggest advantage, in my opinion, is the fact your spouse is automatically enrolled in the program with you, no matter what his/her age.  So yep, I included my name and I received my own AARP card in the mail about a week later!  A few weeks after that we received our big package with all the red carpet benefits of

Patient Education Ain’t Simple … or Cheap!

What does patient education look like?  And how much should it cost a patient?


Cross Marketing

I’ve noticed many companies getting creative to generate new business and maintain their existing business.  The television industry is getting pretty good at this.  Take for example the episodes when Grey’s Anatomy characters appeared on Private Practice and visa versa, two weeks in row.  It gets you to watch both shows, two hours of fascinating TV, each week.  I’m sure the advertisers loved it.  

Simply Stated: Get a Good Tagline

Taglines can (and should) say a lot about you in just a few words. 

My favorite tagline is “Get a Mac.”  Because I’m one of the junkies that can’t wait until the iPad comes out.  And using this tagline implies that there is no explanation needed. Once you “Get a Mac” you will never get another PC.  


Preventive Care Will Pay For Itself

In President Obama’s weekly address a couple of weeks back regarding the benefits of the healthcare reform bill, he stated, “Insurance plans will be required to offer free preventive care to their customers – so that we can start catching preventable illnesses and diseases on the front end.” [Source:]


Message Clarity (e.g., don't use 78 pages when one will do)

The other day I received a 78-page pamphlet in the mail from my health insurance company. I was sure it related to the benefit product we selected for 2010 so I thought, “Great, more to read to understand my coverage.” But it was a little late, considering I had already selected the health plan. “Oh well,” I thought, “I’ll skim it just to become familiar.” On the first page there was a letter signed by both the President/CEO and the Secretary of the company. Nice touch.

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