Case Study

Brand Strategy - Feed Flavors, Inc

Case Study Samples (Click to Enlarge): 
Feed Flavors, Inc. - Logo (Brand Strategy)
Feed Flavors, Inc. - Brochure (Brand Identity)
Feed Flavors, Inc. - Folder (Brand Identity)

Adventive Marketing excels In the subtle field of brand strategy: focusing on a client’s marketplace, aligning their message to meet customer demand, and improving their bottom line.


As one of the first and most prolific animal feed flavor manufacturers, Feed Flavors enjoyed the leadership position in the marketplace (as verified by surveys conducted in the leading trade publications: Feed Management and Feedstuffs). Feed Flavors’ position was eroding, however, even though they continued to lead the field in new product introductions, distribution outlets, sales force penetration and promotional intensity.

Since Feed Flavors’ budget was somewhat limited, we began our research with an extensive search for industry/market information (available research, trade publication articles, association information, competitive data, etc.). We also conducted a company communications audit.

Our audit suggested the following: Flavors are increasingly evaluated by a bottom-line oriented farmer, a farm nutritionist and/or a veterinarian and this audience wants more technical product data and research that supports the flavor manufacturers’ product and time-to-market claims.

Armed with the audit report and the findings of our secondary research, we were charged to help convince upper management of the need to refocus the company and the image it projects, i.e., recast the brand strategy to better reflect the audience’s requirements.


Although the development of a new logo and tagline were rejected by upper management, we developed a new brand strategy which emphasized the technical proficiency of the company and the efficacy of its products. Coupled with a more contemporary look/feel, this positioning extended to all company communications/promotions: white papers for all field trial reports which included ROI-type data and a newsletter that included an article from an established industry expert, a new technology section, new field trial reports, articles from professors or trade publication editors relative to taste physiology or livestock management, new flavor introductions, Feed Flavors news, etc.

Over a two-year period, Feed Flavors experienced greater acceptance at the large farms and a 12% increase in sales.


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