Writing a Credible White Paper and Getting It "Seen"

White papers are one of the most effective forms of self-promotion available, and yet, when done correctly, they are not really self-promotional at all.
A paradox? Not at all. According to Wikipedia, “a white paper is an authoritative report or guide that often addresses issues and how to solve them. White papers are used to educate readers and help people make decisions.” Thus, in order to be authoritative and educational, white papers should always be non-commercial in nature, with no blatant self-promotion in attendance—anywhere!
To demonstrate, we decided to write a white paper on writing a white paper. In it, we cover a variety of topics that will help you identify, research and write white papers that resonate with your customers, including:
- Simple guidelines to help you get started
- Writing and editing the paper
- Broadening the audience
- Syndicating the white paper
- And using the completed paper for lead generation opportunities
So, if you have credible subject matter, there is really no reason not to turn it into a white paper. They are a cost-effective lead generation tool and they do a great job of positioning your company as a thought leader in the industry. Get started today!
Click here to download a free copy of “Writing a Credible White Paper and Getting it Seen.”